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What is the best transfer or car rental in Athens?

BlueWhiteBoutique's duty is to advise its customers in the best way.
Athens is a city that does not "sleep" even in winter, let alone in summer, so the idea of ​​renting a car would be a great option for you to get to know this wonderful city!
However, if you are staying in the center of Athens, renting a car will only make you angry! As you know the center of this wonderful city is occupied by archaeological parks which means that we don't have many parking lots and parking your car on the street is really an impossible mission !!
So our tip is as follows, for you who will be staying in the center the best thing to do is to hire the BlueWhiteBoutique shuttle service so you don't have a headache during your trip.
And for you who will be staying away from the center, it would be a great option to rent a car. However, don't go to the center by car!

OBS. In Athens we have a metro, tram and bus that work perfectly!


Blue White Boutique - TRANSFER IN ATHENS


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